School Features » Dual Language

Dual Language



The Dual Language program at P.S/M.S 206 began in 2015, with two third-grade classes. Since then, our program has expanded to our middle school grades, and we successfully graduated our first class of middle school dual language students in June 2020.  P.S/M.S 206 is the only school that offers a Dual Language Nest program in grades 3 - 8.  


The dual language program allows students to learn academic content in two languages. Students in our dual language classrooms learn 50% of educational content in English and 50% in Spanish. Our dual language instructional team implements a side-by-side model for instruction in which students move between classrooms taught exclusively in English or Spanish. Each classroom is co-taught by two teachers (one general education and one special education teacher) exclusively in one language to two groups of students.


The dual language program at P.S/M.S 206 promotes biliteracy, bilingualism, and multiculturalism for students. The underlying goal of this program is to empower students to listen, speak, read, and write in English and Spanish.


Our dual language team is led by Assistant Principal Paulino, Ms. Pacheco, and Ms. Vidal. The 2023-2024 school year marks the 10th year we successfully implemented this program. Our team is so excited to continue offering this dual language option to students at P.S./M.S. 206, and we look forward to achieving another successful academic year.


If you would like more information regarding Dual Language, please call 212-860-5809


Or visit the NYCDOE Bilingual Programs webpage at: